When Monet's son, his last surviving heir, was looking for a place to house the 100+ paintings he had in his private collection, M. Marmottan was the recipient. Alas, no pictures were allowed in this museum, so all I can offer is my happiness at seeing the collection.
On our way back to centre town, we felt the need to pay our proper respects to the Grand Dame of Paris.
We were happy to see that the little stand that sells hotdogs and crepes was still at the base of the Trocadero, across the Seine from the Tower. We picnicked by a carousel and enjoyed the view.
For my adventurous family and friends (Phil and Kevin to name just two), next to where we sat there are toys to be rented ...
the only problem is you would be driving in Paris in your Lamborghini or Ferrari where they are known to dump 12 roads into one unlined roundabout and let drivers sort it out! Dennis chose pictures over participation, which I have to say I appreciate now - in our 30s it might have been different.
I'll finish today with some random 'Parisness.' I love this town.
I want to live on this barge, tied up on the Seine in full view of the Eiffel Tower.
Girls, lets get together and drink this wine, and explore this building.

I'm not sure if I like these or not, but they sure are interesting.
The next four photos are all music boxes.
Le Tour St. Jacques. No, we didn't climb it. I'd be on crutches!
Fountains outside the Pompidou Centre, such fun. I wish the little boys were here.
Random street art, this one was tiny...
and this one was massive - about four stories.
Don't you think we should all prioritize fresh flowers and yellow shoes?
And our artistic side?
And I leave you today with this :-) ... but I won't say anything to disparage plumbers.
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